course content
Module 1
course format
tuition and terms
The Science of Volition – The basic course of the volitional sciences developed by A. J. Galambos; V-50 provides an overview of the problems that destabilize human civilization, and develops the general specifications for a solution to those problems. For additional information, see the three-session outline for Module 1 (below). V-50 is currently available via online subscriptions.
Session 1 - Introduction
  • Purpose and scope of the course
  • Identification of the crises confronting us
  • The alternatives for civilization and the consequences to be expected
  • The inadequacy of present techniques to cope with the crises
  • The new approach to freedom
  • The first few fundamental definitions and the importance of semantic precision in effective communication
  • Identification of the path to be taken to achieve genuine solutions to problems
  • Relationship of the Institute and this course to these problems and their solutions
Session 2 - How do you know you are right?
  • The requirement for absolute standards of rightness
  • Examples of relative and absolute rightness
  • The success in achieving absolute standards in the physical sciences and the failure to do so in the "social sciences"
  • Identification of absolute rightness in the physical sciences
  • The scientific method and its application to physical science
Session 3 - The third science
  • Identification of absolute rightness in the physical sciences (cont’d).
  • Reason for failure, thus far, to extend absolute rightness to the social domain
  • How to overcome this successfully
  • The establishment of a new science of volition
  • Its relationship to the other (first two) sciences
  • The two basic postulates
  • Examples and applications
19 sessions divided into 4 modules, in audio-video format.
The course modules are sequential—you must complete Module 1 before advancing to Module 2, etc.
Your subscription to each module includes the proprietary FEI, the audio-video content, the FEI Online Course Manual, a study guide, a comprehension questionnaire, and support.
Curiosity, rationality, intellectual honesty, acceptance of the FEI Online Course Subscription Agreement ("the Subscription Agreement"), completion of the V-50DD enrollment form, payment of the Module 1 tuition, and final approval of your enrollment by FEI. (See Subscription Agreement paragraph 4.2)
Tuition for V-50DD Module 1 is payable in advance in the amount of $100.00. Please refer to paragraph 4.1.2 of the Subscription Agreement for information about various discounts that may apply beginning with V-50DD Module 2.

All subscriptions to FEI courses are subject to the terms of the FEI Online Course Subscription Agreement ("the Subscription Agreement"). Please be sure to read the Subscription Agreement before you enroll in any FEI course.
If, after hearing every session of any module of Course V-50DD in its entirety, you do not agree that the course content in that module was worth your tuition, FEI will refund your tuition for that module in full, subject to the additional terms of the V-50DD Guarantee.
Please provide your subscriber information in the form fields below. (*All fields are required)

"If I have seen farther than others it is because I
have stood on the shoulders of giants."
–Isaac Newton